Webinar Invite:  Problem Solved - DocSmart Rx - Prescription Drug Plan Document/SPD | No Longer an Option

You are invited to participate in a high-level, advanced discussion Webinar, focused on solving the problem of required plan documentation for prescription drug benefit plans.

Mounting Pressure from the government, Plaintiffs’ lawyers, including the Lewandowski v. Johnson & Johnson lawsuit, and new enforcement of existing ERISA legal requirements means that when self-funded employers separate drug benefit delivery from medical benefits, a compliant Prescription Drug Plan Document (ERISA §402) and Summary Plan Description (ERISA §102) are no longer an Option.

Jeffrey D. Zimon, Esq., founder and principal of the recognized boutique ERISA law firm, Zimon LLC, and founder of EZ ERISA, LLC and its ComplySmart technology solution, presents on the pervasive lack of adequate controls and rules in prescription drug plan administration, that must be corrected through the use of problem-solving documentation, such as the DocSmart Rx Prescription Drug Plan Document/Summary Plan Description tool.

The Pharmacy Benefit Management providers do not provide this required documentation.  So, the Problem is real and clear.

The Problem is solved – with the EZ ERISA, LLC DocSmart Rx online tool.

We hope you will participate in this discussion (30 Minutes) offered to a select group of sophisticated consultants at the following times:

 Recorded Webinar:



Please feel free to read our articles on the J&J Lawsuit: HERE

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