EZERISA Subscriptions

  • The entire EZERISA ComplySmart Services Suite is found packaged in our EZERISA ComplySmart Complete Subscription. We took our industry's leading ERISA Compliance, Policy and Document Solutions and bundled them together under one discounted subscription service.  Receive a Subscription for the ERISA Wrap Document, HIPAA Compliance Module, Cafeteria Plan Document, and Health Reimbursement Account Document, all for a reduced subscription price.

  • EZERISA WrapSmart is the industry's leading ERISA Compliance Document Solution with our exclusive EZERISA AdviceSmart (Basic) Compliance Intelligence Technology built into its self-guided document creation.  With your EZ ERISA Plan ERISA Wrap Document Subscription, you will receive:

    • Plan Document and Summary Plan Description ERISA Wrap Unified Document

    • Notices Package

    • Instructions and Electronic Mail Distribution Information

    • Summary of Material Modifications Cover Page and Instructions

    • EZERISA AdviceSmart (Basic) Compliance Intelligence Technology built into the subscription. 

    • Full Warranty

  • EZERISA HIPAASmart Solution, with our exclusive HIPAASmart Portal Technology and EZERISA AdviceSmart Basic Compliance Intelligence Technology, eliminates the confusion and reduces your risks of HIPAA, with self-guided document creation interviews, digital compliance consultancy checklists, and EZERISA BreachSmart Assessment.  With your EZERISA HIPAASmart Compliance Module Subscription, you will receive:

    • HIPAA Rules and Policy Manual

    • Sample Business Associate Agreement Form

    • On-Line Webinar Training from EZERISA University

    • Certificate of Training

    • Notice of Privacy Practices and Distribution Instructions

    • Sample Fill-In Employee Release of Information Authorization Form

    • EZERISA AdviceSmart Basic Compliance Intelligence Technology

    • EZERISA BreachSmart  - Custom Breach Assessment and Notice Preparation Services

    • HIPAASmart Portal Technology

  • For Plan Sponsors that self-fund Pharmacy benefits and use a Pharmacy Benefit Manager that is not the main administrator of the group medical plan, EZ ERISA has the document development solution! The EZERISA’s DocSmart-Rx solution provides ERISA and a non-ERISA Pharmacy Benefit Plan document technology solution, that is unique in the industry.  DocSmart-Rx employ’s EZ ERISA’s AdviceSmart Compliance Intelligence Technology into a self-guided document creation system to prepare your Pharmacy Benefit Plan Document and Summary Plan Description (Plan document and summary for non-ERISA Plans).

    This includes the capacity for multiple Pharmacy Schedules of Benefits, with detailed options on deductibles, co-payments, co-insurance, maximum out-of-pockets, eligibility and more.

  • EZERISA HRASmart Documentation Solution will give you a simple way through EZERISA’s DocSmart Portal to create and maintain all of your HRA Documentation.  With your EZERISA HRASmart Documentation Solution, you will receive:

    • Health Reimbursement Account Plan and Summary Plan Description Unified Document HRA amounts and any limitations determined by the Employer.

  • With your EZERISA CafSmart Cafeteria Plan Document, you will receive:

    • Cafeteria Plan and Summary Plan Description Unified Section 125 Pre-Tax Premium Plan, With Optional Health Savings Account, Flexible Spending Account, Dependent Care Account and Voluntary Plan Payments.

  • EZERISA AdviceSmart (Advanced) Compliance Checklist comes with your EZERISA ComplySmart Complete Subscription. With your EZERISA AdviceSmart (Advanced) Compliance Checklist, you will receive:

    • A Step-By-Step Compliance Assessment of Current Compliance Obligations

    • Report on Your Compliance Results with Action Items to Help You Rectify any Defects

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