HIPAASmart Policy Solution

EZERISA HIPAASmart Solution, with our exclusive HIPAASmart Portal Technology and EZERISA AdviceSmart Basic Compliance Intelligence Technology, eliminates the confusion and reduces your risks of HIPAA, with self-guided document creation interviews, digital compliance consultancy checklists, and EZERISA BreachSmart Assessment.  With your EZERISA HIPAASmart Compliance Module Subscription, you will receive:

  • HIPAA Rules and Policy Manual

  • Sample Business Associate Agreement Form

  • On-Line Webinar Training from EZERISA University

  • Certificate of Training

  • Notice of Privacy Practices and Distribution Instructions

  • Sample Fill-In Employee Release of Information Authorization Form

  • EZERISA AdviceSmart Basic Compliance Intelligence Technology

  • EZERISA BreachSmart  - Custom Breach Assessment and Notice Preparation Services

  • HIPAASmart Portal Technology


$1,295.00 (+Tax) / Per Year

This package includes:

  • HIPAASmart Compliance Module - Full HIPAA Rules and Policy for your HIPAA Compliance Module, Protected Health Information and Group Health Plan. Business Associate Agreement, Employee Authorization, Notice of Privacy Practices and Distribution Instructions, EZERISA's BreachSmart (Custom Breach Assessment and Notice Preparation Services), and Training!


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